A Welcoming Church at the KPCM EM
KPCM EM is a local community of Christians who profess Jesus as Lord. It is our desire to know Christ and to make Him known in a faithful and growing manner in every part of our lives.Also, we are a multicultural gathering and welcome people from all walks of life to respond to the grace of God. We believe that the Spirit equips and empowers all of us to be faithful children of God and ministers of reconciliation called to bring hope and redemption in His Kingdom.

EM Sunday Worship Service
Worship Time: 11:15AM (In person & Zoom)
Worship Location: Downstairs Fellowship Hall
Zoom Link: ID: 653 415 3144 / Passcode: kpcm
Children/Youth Sunday Classes
Sunday School (Pre-K -6th grade): 11:15AM -12:30PM
Youth Bible Class (7th-12th grade): 11:15AM -1:00PM
EM Announcements
Volunteer Needed for Fellowship Lunch: We need volunteers for Sundays in March, with many openings available in the coming months of 2025. Please sign up for your available dates! Volunteers will provide and serve lunch and can receive reimbursement of up to $150. If interested, please contact Eunice.
Sunday, February 9 @ 1PM ELT Meeting
Youth Announcements
Friday, February 7 @ 6:30PM: Friday Youth Gathering will start 30 minutes early to take down the Christmas decorations in the lobby.
Sunday, February 9: Bible Study Classes will be held right after service. Please grab your snacks and go to the class. 9th graders in Pastor Steve's class can join Elliott's or Elizabeth's class.
Sunday, February 9 @ 12:45PM: The SLT meeting will take place after Bible Study. Please meet in the youth room by 12:45 PM.
Upcoming Events
Korean Presbyterian Church of Minnesota English Ministry
Contact Info
5849 Humboldt Ave. N. Brooklyn Center MN 55430
763-560-6699, 763-560-2222 (Fax)